Clark Street Studios : REBORN
Social Media Manager "Wimbledon" - 7:01 PM (CST) 12/20/24
Erm, is this thing on???
*taps microphone* 🎤
HELLO CLARK STREET STUDIOS COMMUNITY! We are officially back 😎. It's me, Wimbledon! I hope you haven't forgotten about me... Either way, it is my please to tell you that Clark Street Studios is back from the "grave" (school 🤣). I am very sorry for keeping you all in the dark for so long about what's been happening here at the CSS campus in the last 8 months. As an apology for such a long hiatus, I have a very special announcement to give you all...
That's right. As an apology for us dropping the ball, management has asked me to collect some super fun facts about what can occur in the span of 8 months. Now buckle your seatbelt, we're in for a crazy ride!!!
1. Your hair can grow about 4 inches (about 1/2 an inch per month... TIME FOR A HAIRCUT! 💇💈)
2. A houseplant can grow a few new leaves
3. 8/9 of a human can be born
4. The Eiffel Eower (as France) can be built in 8 months
5. Plants like bamboo can grow several feet in just 8 months (ChatGPT)
I hope you enjoyed those fun facts! I know I did :D.
SO, as I'm sure you all noticed on your daily checkin of our beloved website, we have an entirely new look! That's right. The entire website has been given a facelift. You may notice new pages, updates to existing pages, and so on-- so please do explore! As usual, I know I can rely on you guys for a laugh, so here is a funny picture one of our fans (Codename: BaiKen) sent in to celebrate this monumental achievement for CSS!:

TALLY HO! Goodbye old!
Talk about EPIC! Anyways, I'm sure all of you are wondering about the status of the various projects being undertaken by the CSSDT and CSS Black Ops. Unfortunately, I cannot say what the Black Ops are up to... they do not tell me and even if they did it would be highly classified information. Whatever it is, though, I am sure it is of value to CSS and humanity as a whole. The standard CSSDT, on the other hand, has a bit more to report. For one, the website update has been their top priority in hopes of attracting lucrative investors and contracts. Unfortunately, 98% of our funding was used up on the above GIF. Because of this, Blay, (which I know you are all eagerly anticipating...) has been delayed for at least another month. This is the 5th consective one month delay on Blay. As usual, it is 80% done and one month away from completion, so stay tuned.
Other than that, there is not too much else going on at CSS... that is... not too much else I can TALK ABOUT!!! (Non-Disclosure Agreement Moment!)! There are other projects in the works, but for now, "these lips are sealed" 🤐🤫👀. But stay tuned throughout the coming months, and I may have something to show you 😏.
Anyways... thats all for now! WIMBLE OUT!
Emoji Key
🎤 - Microphone - 0x0001F3A4
😎 - Smiling Face with Sunglasses - 0x0001F60E
🤣 - Rolling On the Floor Laughing - 0x0001F923
💇 - Haircut - 0x0001F487
💈 - Barber Pole - 0x0001F488
🤐 - Zipper-Mouth Face - 0x0001F910
🤫 - Face with Finger Covering Closed Lips - 0x0001F92B
👀 - Eyes - 0x0001F440
😏 - Smirking Face - 0x0001F60F